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Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis

Thermal Analyzer Program (TAP)

Software and Engineering Associates

The Thermal Analyzer Program (TAP) is designed to performs rapid,accurate solutions to multidimensional heat transfer problems. Either thetime dependent (transient) solution, or the steady-state solution can besolved. TAP can be used to rapidly determine the steady-state heatingsolution by use of the zero-capacitance node method. TAP is simple tolearn, and offers a high degree of flexibility in performing complex andrepetitive calculations.As presently structured, TAP has the following capabilities: 300 variableproperty nodes, 750 conductance and/or radiation paths, and 50 convectiveheat transfer paths. All data is input with free field format. TAP has apre-processor which lists the input data and the resulting conductance,radiation, and convective heat transfer paths.

Language: FORTRAN
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FORTRAN compiler
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Software and Engineering Associates
333 Carson Meadows Dr Suite 44
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (702) 882-1966
Fax: (702) 882-1827